Some Thoughts on a Christian Nation (including interview with Voddie Baucham)


There has been a lot of discussion lately about what it means for believers to attempt to influence their nations through the political and social means available to us.  The secular media refer to this as "Christian Nationalism."  Most of this conversation is America-centric, in the fact that the measures being advocated can only be possible in a society that enjoys the freedoms that we do in the United States.  The vast majority of Christians in other nations are not even having this conversation because the conditions necessary to make a nation "Christian" do not exist.  There is a significant Christian movement that advocates that Christians are called to use their influence to set up God's laws in society to the point that the earth will be a welcome place for Jesus to return and establish His reign.

The desire for Christians to want their nation to function according to God's laws and order is a strong, and quite natural desire.  In fact, in the Pentateuch, God instructed Israel that the nation should be set up as a theocracy, with Him as its Head.  It was to be a picture of how heaven and the future restored earth would operate.  Christians do not have the same mandate, but we desire that God's will and glory be spread throughout the earth.  In the following Conversations That Matter podcast, Jon Harris asks Voddie Baucham about this concept of Christians influencing their society.  Voddie applies it specifically to Zambia, where he currently lives and ministers.

Conversations that Matter with Voddie Baucham

In the 2022 elections, many Christians had high hopes that our nation would choose leaders and pass referendums that would serve to usher in policies that conform to biblical principles.  All the polls suggested that a "red wave" was going to occur, with over 50 U.S. House seats, 4-5 U.S. Senate seats, and several governorships changing hands from liberals to conservatives.  Additionally several pro-life and pro-family referendums were expected to pass.  To the surprise of most all political observers, the elections were disastrous for conservatives.  Some of the most overtly liberal people were elected to the highest offices in our land and conservative referendums failed by significant majorities.

What happened?  The following two articles are opinion columns that seek to explain the "red wave" that didn't happen, and it doesn't look pretty for the spread of Christian law and ethics in the U.S.  In particular, the vote of the under 30 demographic is extremely distressing.  If Christians are to slowly bring about God's law in society, then the election of 2022 provides no evidence to support that claim or theology.  

Article 1:
Article 2:

We'll cover more on this topic in the future, but suffice it to say, our primary call is toward personal holiness and evangelizing individuals who do not know the Lord.  The influencing of society is something we can desire, and even work toward, but it is not the primary goal.  As King David said, "Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God" (Psalm 20:7).

Grace and peace to you,
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1 Corinthians 10:31 1 Corinthians 12:2 1 Corinthians 12 1 Corinthians 15:33 1 Corinthians 1:18-21 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 1 Corinthians 8:12 1 John 2:18 1 John 2:19 1 John 2:23 1 John 2:9-11 1 John 4:1-6 1 John 4:6 1 John 5:1 1 Kings 18:27 1 Peter 2:24 1 Peter 3:1-7 1 Peter 3:15 1 Peter 5:8 1 Thessalonians 1:9 1 Thessalonians 5:18 1 Thessalonians 5:20 1 Timothy 2:8-15 1 Timothy 4:1-3 2 Chronicles 28:3 2 Chronicles 33:6 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 2 Corinthians 6:16 2 John 1-2 2 Peter 1:3-4 2 Peter 1:3 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 2 Timothy 3:16-17 2 Timothy 3:1 2 Timothy 4:3-4 3 John 3-4 Acts 17:25 Acts 17:28 Acts 2:36 Acts 3:15 Acts 4:12 Acts 4:19-20 Daniel 6:26 Deuteronomy 6:26 Ecclesiastes 12:1 Ephesians 2:1-10 Ephesians 2:8 Ephesians 4:1-16 Ephesians 4:11-14 Ephesians 4:25 Ephesians 5:15-21 Ephesians 5:6-14 Exodus 20:13 Exodus 20:16 Exodus 20:4-6 Exodus 21:16 Ezekiel 20:31 Ezekiel 28:2 Ezekiel 34 Genesis 12:3 Genesis 12:6-7 Genesis 1:26-27 Genesis 1:27 Genesis 1 Genesis 2:15-17 Genesis 2:16-17 Genesis 2:18-25 Genesis 2 Genesis 37-50 Genesis 3:16b Genesis 3:17-19 Genesis 3:1 Habakkuk 2:18-19 Hebrews 10:24-25 Hebrews 10:31 Hebrews 4:12 Isaiah 31:7 Isaiah 53:5 Isaiah 5:20 Jeremiah 10:10 Jeremiah 19:5 Job 23:13 Job 34:8 Job 38:2 John 10:35 John 15:18-25 John 15:20-23 John 16:2 John 17:17 John 1:18 John 1:1 John 1:4 John 8:44 John1:14 Luke 14:26-27 Luke 19:40 Luke 2:34 Luke 6:45 Matthew 10:16-20 Matthew 10:16-22 Matthew 10:16 Matthew 16:16 Matthew 19:3-6 Matthew 22:34-40 Matthew 5:10-12 Matthew 5:11-12 Matthew 5:11 Matthew 5:13-16 Matthew 6:19-34 Matthew 7:15-20 Philippians 2:10-11 Philippians 4:8-9 Proverbs 14:15-16 Proverbs 1:22 Proverbs 1:32 Proverbs 1:7 Proverbs 23:7 Proverbs 27:19 Proverbs 28:23 Proverbs 29:25 Proverbs 4:23 Psalm 109:5 Psalm 111:1-2 Psalm 115:3 Psalm 119:104-105 Psalm 119:160 Psalm 121:4 Psalm 122 Psalm 135:15 Psalm 135:6 Psalm 139:14 Psalm 20:7 Psalm 2:1-3 Psalm 2:4 Psalm 36:9 Psalm 37:13 Psalm 42:2 Psalm 42:5 Psalm 49:30 Psalm 52:6 Psalm 89:11 Psalm 8 Psalm 9:7-10 Revelation 21:4 Romans 10:14-15 Romans 10:17 Romans 13:1-4 Romans 13:1-7 Romans 14:22-23 Romans 16:18 Romans 1:16 Romans 1:18-24 Romans 1:18-32 Romans 1:28-31 Romans 1:28-32 Romans 1:32 Romans 2:5-6 Romans 6:12-13 Romans 6:23 Romans 8:28 See Romans 1:24-25 Titus 1:9 Zechariah 2:8