Why Did We Form Our Church?
Berean Covenant Church was founded in December 2000. The church was not formed from a “split” or from an intentional “church plant” effort. The original members of the church came from several churches and denominations. The Lord brought them together in ways by which only He could receive the glory. Beyond love for our One Lord, the original group was united by a burden for unbiblical practices in their respective churches, and churches as a whole in our community.
These unbiblical practices included:
These unbiblical practices included:
- Leadership that did not meet biblical qualifications,
- A high view of man and a low view of God in their teaching,
- Unregenerate membership,
- Seeker-sensitive manipulation techniques,
- A man-centered view of salvation,
- Man-centered worship,
- A lack of emphasis on the exposition of Scripture from the pulpit, and
- A lack of personal Bible study among the church body.
The original purpose of the founding members was to meet together to discuss the biblical model for the church and to pray for our respective churches to embrace that model. After months of praying and attempting to influence our respective churches, the Lord gave us an undeniable urge and passion to form a church with the deliberate intent of returning to a biblical model for the church.