Learn more about our different ministries and groups
Our men’s ministry has two regularly scheduled opportunities for growth and fellowship: Men’s Breakfast and Entrusted Men.
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s Breakfast meets monthly on the second Saturday. In addition to a delicious homemade breakfast, the elders cultivate the men’s spiritual growth by having them read selected book studies and Scripture texts on biblical manhood, then all participate in large and small group discussions after the breakfast. This time of fellowship and discipleship is open to all men age 18 and up.
Entrusted Men
This group of men receive targeted training and mentoring for current or future leadership roles in the church. The elders personally lead the men through book studies, Scripture exposition, and other activities that prepare them to make sound leadership decisions. Entrusted Men training emphasizes personal character and sanctification. This invitation-only group meets monthly after the Men’s Breakfast and is limited to members of BCC.
In addition to these regularly scheduled programs, our men serve on lawn care teams and have occasional retreats and fellowship activities.
Our women’s ministry centers around serving others.
Meal Teams
The women of BCC serve on meal teams to provide relief from meal preparation for our members at times of need due to illness and other life-impacting events.
HomeKeepers is a frequently scheduled time that the women meet for fellowship and training on various topics, such as: home care, family care, personal care, hobbies, crafting, and other topics of interest.
In addition, our ladies typically go on a mountain retreat in the fall to study and fellowship together.
Biblical Counseling
Biblical counseling is provided by regular appointment for any situation or need. This type of intensive soul care is reflective of Scripture’s command to care for one another. Both of our pastors are certified biblical counselors with the Association of Certified Bible Counselors (ACBC). We also have people who assist the elders with counseling sessions.
In addition to providing in-person counseling, BCC has many counseling resources for sale at nominal fees. In particular, we stock over 60 mini-books dealing with issues such as: abuse, depression, anger, and transgenderism. The elders also occasionally provide training and information sessions on counseling topics.
In addition to providing in-person counseling, BCC has many counseling resources for sale at nominal fees. In particular, we stock over 60 mini-books dealing with issues such as: abuse, depression, anger, and transgenderism. The elders also occasionally provide training and information sessions on counseling topics.
If you are interested in receiving counseling, download the following forms and send them to the following email: counseling@bereancovenant.com

Berean Youth
Our teenagers meet on 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays. The theme for our youth is “doing hard things,” meaning that we challenge them to rise above the mediocre expectations that society has for their age group by equipping them to live for the glory of God. We teach them to study the Bible with an eye toward embracing its truths as their only defense against the lies of the culture. Our ultimate goal is to lead them to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and to conform their lives to His image.
We frequently offer opportunities for our youth to participate in conferences, retreats, and foreign mission trips. The Berean Youth serve the rest of the church body as volunteers in a number of capacities. They learn early on that they are a part of building and maintaining something bigger than themselves, the church of Jesus Christ.
In addition to our planned activities and events, the parents and youth leaders are very active at planning small group events for them to fellowship and deepen their relationships.
We frequently offer opportunities for our youth to participate in conferences, retreats, and foreign mission trips. The Berean Youth serve the rest of the church body as volunteers in a number of capacities. They learn early on that they are a part of building and maintaining something bigger than themselves, the church of Jesus Christ.
In addition to our planned activities and events, the parents and youth leaders are very active at planning small group events for them to fellowship and deepen their relationships.

Adults (Mixed)
On Sunday evenings, we offer a Bible study for all adults and youth. The studies usually last 3-4 months and the topics vary, from books of the Bible, to church history, to doctrinal topics. The Bible study time is interactive and usually involves some homework.
Our ladies meet on Thursday mornings for an inductive Bible study, usually produced by Precept Ministries, International. These studies are open to ladies outside BCC and involve homework and in class discussion. Childcare is provided free of charge.
Our young children (3-4 years old) are taught biblical concepts and events using age-appropriate materials from Generations of Grace.
The remainder of our children are in the Adventure Club program. This fun, engaging curriculum teaches key biblical doctrines and concepts (systematic theology) on a three-year rotation. Children interact with Scripture, learn songs, and memorize Bible verses for which they receive pins to place on their Adventure Club satchels. All the children are taught the same topic, but at a level appropriate for their age group (Trackers are 4-6 years old, Scouts are 7-9 years old, and Trailblazers are 10-12 years old). A child who begins Adventure Club as a Tracker will have covered the same topic three times by the time he or she moves to BCC Youth, in greater depth with each level.
The remainder of our children are in the Adventure Club program. This fun, engaging curriculum teaches key biblical doctrines and concepts (systematic theology) on a three-year rotation. Children interact with Scripture, learn songs, and memorize Bible verses for which they receive pins to place on their Adventure Club satchels. All the children are taught the same topic, but at a level appropriate for their age group (Trackers are 4-6 years old, Scouts are 7-9 years old, and Trailblazers are 10-12 years old). A child who begins Adventure Club as a Tracker will have covered the same topic three times by the time he or she moves to BCC Youth, in greater depth with each level.
BCC supports missionaries that have a local connection and are focused on equipping pastors and believers in their native countries. The missionaries we currently support minister in Croatia, Haiti, and to Iranians dispersed in various locations.

Every member and regular attendee of BCC is assigned to a fellowship group of approximately 20-25 people. Fellowship groups meet every two months—usually in homes—to eat, fellowship, and discuss the Lord’s work in their lives. Each group is comprised of people of all age groups, with the intent of helping the church body to interact with others outside their “normal” sphere of influence. These groups are reassigned every six months.