American Fundamentalism vs. British Evangelicalism
on February 17th, 2024
Bereans:During the recent controversy generated by Alistair Begg's pastoral advice to attend a transgender "wedding" and take a gift, he addressed his congregation to explain and defend his actions. In his response, he made the statement that he is "not a product of American fundamentalism," but that he comes from a background rooted in "British evangelicalism." Many people have asked what the di... Read More
What Happened to the Asbury Revival?
on February 10th, 2024
Bereans:Remember the Asbury Revival? It’s been a year since the beginning of the Asbury “revival” in Wilmore, Kentucky. Last year, from February 8th to February 24th, up to 70,000 people visited Asbury University’s chapel to experience what they called an “outpouring,” an “awakening,” or a “revival.” This supposed outpouring of the Holy Spirit had everyone talking for awhile. Many of you asked ... Read More
The Great Replacement Theory
on January 27th, 2024
Bereans:There is a lot of talk in the news this week about immigration and attempts to make it easier for illegal immigrants to cross the border and seek asylum in the U.S. Some observers are predicting as many as 3 million people will attempt to cross the border in the next month. This has been an ongoing problem and is now the number one issue in recent polls of voters. An astute observer mig... Read More
Heavenly Worship
on January 20th, 2024
Bereans:My time this weekend has been completely devoted to hosting our second round of Fundamentals of Biblical Counseling training. It's been a wonderful privilege to provide training to equip believers minister the Word in soul care to one another. Since this has consumed my time this weekend, I have not had the bandwidth to research and properly prepare a Being A Berean. So...I'm going to "... Read More
Finding Our Identity In Things Other Than God
on January 13th, 2024
Bereans:The current topic for our monthly men's study is pride, particularly our desire to define our identity as we choose to define it. We want to make ourselves in our own image. This week we memorized Ezekiel 28:2, which was part of God's rebuke to the king of Tyre, who thought he was a god. In this passage, God rebukes him by saying that "you make your heart like the heart of God." This m... Read More
What is Behind Depression?
on January 6th, 2024
Bereans:The percentage of the American population that is on prescription medication for depression continues to rise. The news media and politicians like to refer to it as an epidemic, using the same terminology that describes a virus or disease that can attack anyone at random. But is this a good comparison? Is depression truly a disease? And why is the number of people who are "diagnosed" wi... Read More
Christmas and Christian Politics
on December 31st, 2023
Bereans:We often hear the enemies of the church scolding Christians to stay out of politics. They argue that we should check our faith at the door and that our beliefs should not influence our voting or civic views. Of course, they push this philosophy because it suits their purposes by removing any opposition to their wickedness. What they don't acknowledge is that their belief system influenc... Read More
Who Was Born in the Manger?
on December 24th, 2023
Bereans,For this Christmas Eve post, I'd like to share the following excerpt from John MacArthur's Christmas message to The Master's University alumni.Who was born in the manger that night?The answers to that question are myriad. Some say Jesus was just a good teacher. Some say He was only a good example. Others say He was a religious madman or a fake, perpetrating a hoax like every other would-be... Read More
Sanctify My Sickness
on December 15th, 2023
Bereans:Our congregation has had a lot of sickness lately, from short-term to long-term illnesses, and from ER visits to planned surgeries. We know the Lord is our Great Physician and that one day all sickness will forever be a thing of the past! (Revelation 21:4). Even though we know sickness and suffering will be gone one day, we still have to deal with it in the present. One of the best ways... Read More
Being A Light of Truth Amidst the Moral Rot of the Universities
on December 8th, 2023
Bereans:Over the past couple of years, and especially the past few months, the extent of the liberal/progressive takeover of our educational institutions has been exposed. While many Christians have for years lamented the left's liberal influence in the education system, few of us truly understood the depth of the indoctrination.Congressional testimony this past week revealed that three president... Read More
Fighting for Truth and Winning
on December 1st, 2023
Bereans:This week I'm sharing some good news of Christians who have taken a stand against the spirit of antichrist and won (1 John 2:18)! We should take courage and be emboldened by their witness, just as the account of Stephen, the first martyr should encourage us. In both examples, the opposition was fierce, and the opponents were determined to intimidate them into silence because of their stan... Read More
Why Give Your Money to People Who Hate You?
on November 24th, 2023
Bereans:Happy Thanksgiving! I pray that your celebrations of this uniquely American holiday have been Christ-centered and refreshing to your souls. As Christians, we are always to be giving thanks to God (1 Thessalonians 5:18) as the One in Whom we live, and move, and exist (Acts 17:28), so this holiday is one time each year that we can be above-and-beyond thankful!As Thanksgiving ends, most peo... Read More